Buccaneer Motor Sports Club

Supporting British motorsport at the highest level since 1937

Where it all began, over 80 years ago

In the beginning

The Blackburn aircraft motor club was the initial incarnation of BMSC can be traced back to October 1936. The first newspaper report was as follows The Blackburn Aircraft Motor Club a newly-formed sports section of the Blackburn Welfare Society of Brough held their first reliability trail yesterday. An entry of 30 received, an excellent figure for a new club. Rain had saturated the course, but the standard of driving was high and no accident or breakdowns were reported. The competition ended with tea at the Bell Hotel, Driffield.

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Sir Stirling Moss gets a win

Stirling Moss bags wins at Brough

Way back when....

Early days

The date of this race meeting was 3rd October 1954, and it was organised by the Blackburn Welfare Motor Club of Brough, East Yorkshire. Costing one shilling, this programme described the two- and four-wheel races that were due to take place that day. The cover features an advertisement for Brown's (Witham) Limited of Hull, a specialist in all the popular British motorcycles of the day, including those produced by BSA, Norton, and Excelsior. They also stocked Watsonian and Nicholson sidecars. The rear outer cover (not shown) advertised Jordan's of Story Street in Hull, a dealer in new and used machines. A peek inside the front cover reveals a similar full-page ad, this time for Shearsmith's of York, another retailer of fine British bikes including Velocette, AJS, DOT and Sunbeam.

Chris Andrews

Stage commander, in stage marshal and radio

Chris spent a long time as a spectator and then moved into marshalling and went from learning the ropes as a Deputy and Safety officer to a stage commander, he currently commands the club stage on the R.A.C rally.

Ali Binns

Timing & Radio marshal

A very competent timing and radio marshal, he began aged 4 when his Dad had to deal with an incident and he carried on collecting car numbers on his own without being asked,,a chip off the old block. Currently at Lancaster Uni he gets out on events when he can.

Jon Binns, Club chief marshal

Committee member

Jon Binns has been a stage commander for over 100 events and has served 3 terms for Motorsport UK on the Trainers working group and was the UK's marshals representative on Motorsport UK council. Jon competes on classic test events as a navigator, previously he navigated in stage events. Jon is an International training instructor and has delivered training in Eastern Europe and the Isle of Man. He enjoys all roles on rally stages and is an avid Formula 1 fan.

Lis Binns

Timing & Radio Marshal

Lis is an extremely competent timing and radio marshal. She makes a great bacon butty on the start line. Her "back room" duties have been the "back bone" of the team, she sorts out the marshals goodies, just don't mentioned fleeces to her. Lis has been known to attach 200 badges to lanyards and count pens in their hundreds. Always supportive and always cheerful

Dave Brodie

Chief Marshal

Dave is a recent addition to BMSC, he has been SC on WRGB and is now reaffirming his knowledge of timing, he does stage set up and timing and recently was SC on the Pendragon. Dave usually carries chief marshal roles on the Malcolm Wilson and other Cumbrian based events.

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Neil Cahill

Rescue, Safety Car & Trainer

Neil has been stage commander on events including Jim Clark and he carries out radio coordinator roles as well as radio and timing duties. For 6 years he was the WRGB staffing officer. These days he concentrates his time on Corsair rescue unit, he is the crew chief, this is the first UK CQC dedicated rescue unit Covid compliant . Neil was also one of the main collaborators on Motorsport UK training for Isle of Man and his role as an trainer.

Ian Clare

Radio and timing

Ian has been a stage commander for many years, he now spends his time mostly at Oulton Park driving the fire truck or in Europe marshalling in Germany, Belgium etc. He has mentored many stage commanders and is involved with stage set up, radio and timing duties.

Matt Dent

WRC logistics expert

The interchangeable Matt and Gary - they are well versed in the specialist subject of finding tea rooms with cake Matt and Gary work as a team on stage build, timing and radio duties

Rob Forster

In stage marshal

In stage marshal, Trainee Radio marshal

Nick Gordge

Radio & In stage Marshal

Nick began rallying as a driver in a Vauxhall Astra 23 Years ago, he also supported other club members with his mechanical skills before taking on in stage, timing and radio roles.

Bob Fisher & Joy Hewson

Committee members

Bob is a radio controller but does a lot of start line radio roles on stages Joy , also a radio controller also juggles her Motorsport UK trainer role and she competes on tests. They are well known in the work of endurance trails like Le Jog as organisers and marshals

Tony Johnston (Treasurer) Margaret Johnston (Vice Chair)

Tony is treasurer, both are Radio specialists

Tony and Margaret started off in the world of race, doing every job very well from post chief to grid start line, then they branched out into rally and never really looked back. They are very competent radio operators and have good timing knowledge. Margaret has been stage spectator officer and both were on stop line WRGB radio duties.

Trevor Leathley

Committee member

Trevor has been involved with the club for more years than he cares to remember and is the chief marshal and produces the club newsletter. He is also a stage commander and takes on most roles found on a stage.

Richard Lilley

Radio & Timing

Richard has held just every job on a stage including stage commander, he is well placed to drop into any job and has a very laid back attitude, never flusters.

Jim Maguire, Club Chairman

Stage Commander , Deputy, Safety Officer

Jim has many talents, radio was his predominant role until he joined BMSC, now he commands and all other senior stage roles.

Lisa Maguire, Club secretary

Club secretary Radio is a specialty but also Stage Commander roles

Lisa is Buccaneer radio control, she is also a stage commander, deputy SC and safety officer. Her stage set up is pretty awesome too.

Matt Maguire

Radio, Timing, In stage marshal

Michelle Mounton's favourite cadet marshal, Matt is usually found behind a radio but he is quite a whizz on timing too, this guy will go far and no doubt be one of the UK;s youngest stage commanders if he carries on at the rate he is going. He isn't bad at stage set up too.

Chris Nash

Marshal, Timing, Sector

Chris Nash is our most recent club member, he worked with BMSC on WRGB shakedown stage 2019 and became an instant hit with the team.

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Martin Pullan

Committee member

Martin took up motorsport as he was advised it was cheaper and less time consuming than flying gliders... he finally realises this was bad advice. He started navigating internationally and continued in this role for 25 years on events that were the precursor to WRGB. He had some top 3 results in a variety of cars. When not competing he began marshalling and doing radio duties but his love of gadgets come to the fore and he is now an MSA National A Time Keeper. Martin has also been a stage commander, safety officer and DSC.

Gary Prosser

Committee members

The interchangeable Matt and Gary - they are well versed in the specialist subject of finding tea rooms with cake Matt and Gary work as a team on stage build, timing and radio duties with FF being their specialist subject on WRGB

Phil Reade

Timing marshal

Phil "the shirt" Reade is one of our specialist timing marshals, a wicked sense of humour and an interesting choice of hats.

Trefor Rowlands

Instage marshal and Timing marshal

Trefor is our Welsh member, he also owns and drives a TR7 in Classic events, navagated by Jon Binns. Trefor is a very prolific stage build team member, always ready to help out and has a wicked dry sense of humour.

Mark Smith

Radio Marshal, Timing Marshal, Sector Marshal

Member of British Rally Marshals club since 2001. Started off marshaling at Oulton Park on the bank and then did a couple of years in the pit lane marshalling. Spend my marshaling time now on safety radio and other roles as and when required on rallies. My passion is with rally marshaling and really enjoy a day in the forests or at single venue rallies either as a radio marshal or any other role that’s needed. Single venue events are really good as you see a lot more. Anglesey is my favourite circuit for single venue stage rallies closely followed by Weeton.

Karen Spencer, Safe guarding officer

web page, Stage commander, Clerk, safety car

Karen started out navigating in an Austin Maestro, it was an interesting experience which resulted in her taking up marshaling. Karen carries out radio and timing duties as well as in stage duties when she can. Currently Karen is a stage commander on the Isle of Man on the Manx National and arranges to take a team of 14 people with her. She is a Clerk of Course and Motorsport UK trainer. Working with Jon Binns and Neil Cahill to provide training on the Isle of Man. She was chosen to attend the FIA Geneva training session for new to marshalling, 2017 Saw her as the first woman in 25 yrs to run a stage on WRGB, Shakedown. Karen is DSC and SO on many club events and has mentored new stage commanders. Karen enjoys writing the new to Motorsport marshaling training course with Neil Cahill and enjoyed a trip to Croatia to help train other Eastern European trainers. She holds a National B time keeping grade. She attended St Ursanne in Switzerland for a European round of the hill climb championship and thought the beer good but expensive. She has recently taken over as association training officer for the East Midlands region and co-organised training covering 5 associations. Never one to slow down she commanding two events in 2021 (Covid permitting) and writing more training material.

James Webster

Radio and stage set up

Started marshaling in 1984. Both circuit and rallies. My first event was stopline on the Plains where I first met Margie and Tony. Did many single venue events at Oulton Park, Aintree and 3 sisters. Did numerous Lombard RAC rallies most years doing 2 or 3 stages both as radio and in stage marshal. Was sector marshal for 3 or 4 years at the event in Camalot theme Park. Left the country for Indonesia in 2008 and even marshaled at some rallies there. Came back to UK in 2017. 1986-87 I ran Steve King in his Manta winning the EARS Motoring news tarmac championship in 87 and led the service team for 2 years for EARS motorsports. Also was assistant team manager for a couple of race teams. Winning both UK and European Radical championship in 2007.

Clerks of Course

We currently have 3 licensed clerks of course, Both National B level

  • Halifax, UK
Privacy policy  image
Privacy Notice In order to demonstrate that the processing of information is lawful, fair and transparent the Club shall issue and maintain a Privacy Notice based upon the template provided by the Motorsport UK which outlines the Club’s commitment and approach to effective data protection. The Privacy Notice shall be reviewed by the Club Secretary and wider club committee members a minimum annually prior to the Club AGM

The role of the Club Safeguarding Officer is crucial in ensuring that the Motorsport UK Safeguarding Policies and Procedures are embedded throughout the sport and work in practice. They act as the first point of contact for anyone in the club or who attend an event (staff, volunteer, parents, children, spectators, competitors and their support teams) who has a concern about a child and about poor practice/possible abuse by adults working with children. The Safeguarding Officer therefore needs to be perceived as being approachable and as having a child/adult at risk-focused approach.

Safe Guarding officer
Karen Spencer
For information regarding joining the club please contact the web mistress on this web page, thank you 

Buccaneer Motor Sports Club. Club Rules. 

1. Title. a) The Club shall be called The “Buccaneer Motor Sports Club”, hereafter referred to as the Club. 

2. Affiliation. a) The Club shall be affiliated to Motorsport UK and any other relevant organising body as approved at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

3. Object. a) The object of the Club shall be to promote motorsport in accordance with the rules and policies of Motorsport UK, provide competent officials for Motorsport UK and other events, protect the interests of motorsport and promote the pastime of motoring. 

4. Membership. a) The membership year shall be from 1st June to 31st May. b) Full membership of the Club shall be open to any person(s) interested in motorsport, subject to acceptance. c) Anyone applying for membership of the Club will be deemed not to be a member until an acceptance has been issued by the Club. d) All new applications will be approved by a membership sub-committee before they are accepted. e) Furthermore, first time applicants will enter a probationary period of 6 months from the date of their first acceptance. f) Within this period of probationary membership the new member will be observed by members of the membership sub-committee. g) In most cases the probationary member will automatically become a full member at the end of their probationary period. h) However should a probationary member, in the view of the membership sub-committee, fail to meet the standards expected of the Club (set out hereafter in Rules 9a to f) then full membership may be declined without right of appeal. i) All members will be entitled to a Club card. j) The membership sub-committee shall be formed by the Chairman, Secretary, Vice Chair and one other member of the Committee. k) The Committee may award discretionary membership for a period not to exceed one year. l) The Committee may award honorary membership to anyone who in the view of the Committee has demonstrated exemplary service to motorsport over a prolonged period 

5. General Meetings a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM), of which at least twenty one days notice shall be given by the Secretary, shall be held for the purpose of holding elections for the Committee, receiving reports from Committee role holders and a statement of accounts covering the previous year. b) Any full member wishing to include any matter on the Agenda for any meeting shall notify the Secretary in writing at least fourteen days before the meeting. c) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened either by the Committee or on written requisition of not less than one fifth of the full membership. d) Twenty one days notice shall be given to all full members of the date and purpose of the meeting. e) A Quorum for a General Meeting shall be the number of full members equal to 25% of full members rounded down and must include one of the following; Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary or Treasurer. f) Postal/electronic voting will be allowed for general meetings. g) Voting forms shall be sent to all full members no later than 11 days before the AGM. h) Electronic/postal votes must have been received by the Club secretary no later than 24 hours before the meeting to be added to those received at the meeting. i) Decisions put to the vote must be carried by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. j) Elections of Committee members will be on the basis of the highest number of votes received. In the event of a tie the Chairman shall have the casting vote. k) The Club may only be dissolved by an Extraordinary General Meeting. 

6. Committee. a) A Committee shall be elected consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Marshal and Safeguarding Officer. b) The roles of Chief Marshal and Safeguarding Officer may be held by any Committee member (except the Chair and Vice Chair) irrespective of whether they already hold another role. c) Up to twelve full members may be elected to the Committee to enable it to properly conduct the business of the Club. d) Individual membership of the Committee will automatically lapse at the next AGM and members will be automatically eligible for election unless they notify the Secretary no later than 14 days prior to the AGM of their decision not to stand for election. e) New applications for Committee roles shall be received by the Club secretary no later than 14 days before the AGM. f) Only full members aged 18 or over shall be eligible to stand for Committee membership. g) The Committee may fill vacancies at any time using co-option. h) The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees and to make supplementary rules for the management of the Club and for any special purposes. i) The Committee will appoint a lead organiser for each Motorsport UK permit event that it organises. j) The Committee may decide on the interpretation of these rules or anything relative to the Club not provided for herein, and take whatever action they deem necessary for the good of the Club, which is not inconsistent with these rules. k) The decision of the Committee shall be final. l) The Secretary will be responsible for the Club’s compliance with privacy and data protection requirements 

7. Committee Meetings a) Any number of Committee meetings may be held per annum (but at least one), for which at least fourteen days notice will be given by the Secretary to all Committee Members. b) The Club's definition of a Quorum for Committee Meetings shall be at least half of the Committee members rounded down and must include one of the following; Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary or Treasurer. c) Only Committee members are entitled to vote at a Committee meeting and the meeting chair shall have a casting vote only. d) Decisions put to the vote shall be carried by a straight majority. 

8. Financial a) The financial year of the Club ends on the 31st May. b) The annual membership subscription of the Club shall be determined by the Committee and presented at the AGM. c) New members who join more than half way through the year shall be offered half price membership for the remainder of that year. d) Two Committee members shall be nominated to sign cheques on the Club’s general accounts or agree electronic banking payments. e) The organisers of any event that maintains its own bank account shall, with the approval of the Committee, appoint members of the event sub-committee to sign cheques on those accounts. f) If a resolution of dissolution is carried, the Committee shall liquidate forthwith the affairs of the Club, and if there are any surplus assets of realisation these shall be disposed of according to the direction of the Extraordinary General Meeting. g) The accounts shall be audited on at least a three yearly basis by an independent person appointed at a meeting of the Committee. 

9. Conduct of Members. a) The Club expects members to at all times: i. Abide by these rules, those of Motorsport UK and the FIA, ii. Respect the decisions of Club and event officials, iii. Treat all competitors, marshals, officials and other Club members equally and with respect. iv. Conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times and always behave in the best interests of the Club and UK motorsport in general. b) Any refusal or neglect to do so, or any conduct deemed detrimental to the Club by the Committee, shall render a member liable to expulsion by the Committee, provided that the member has had notice of the proceedings before such Committee Meeting. c) A member expelled under this rule shall forfeit all claims against the Club and its property. d) Further, such a person may have the right of appeal to an Extraordinary General Meeting providing they give written notice to do so within 7 days of the Committee decision. e) The decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be final. f) The Committee may remove from the list of members any member whose subscription is more than one month in arrears, but may reinstate such a member on payment of all outstanding arrears. 10.Safeguarding Policy a) The Club operates in accordance with the Motorsport UK Safeguarding Policy 

11.Cadet Marshals a) The Club operates in accordance with the Buccaneer Motor Sports Club Cadet Marshal Policy, see appendices A & B.

 12.Alteration of Rules a) Any alteration may be made to these rules provided that details of the proposed alteration is included in the notice of a General Meeting and the resolution proposing such alteration is carried by two-thirds of those voting.

Buccaneer Motor Sports Club is committed to the protection of the environment, reducing the detrimental impact of its activities on the environment and improving the sustainability of motorsport in the UK by:

 Reduce printing of documents by using virtual means where possible, and ensure easy access for all who require this material. 

 Reduction of travel by holding meetings on line where practicable.

 Not using single use plastics or non-recyclable products where possible. 

 Responsibly recycling waste material as far as is practicable. 

 Ensuring committee members are aware of the impact of their activities on the environment. 

 Promote environmental sustainability as widely as possible to all involved with the association. 

 Carry out reviews to ensure BMSC remains consistent with this commitment and strive to continuously improve. 

BMSC would ask for club members for their support in this, for them to follow these actions and to manage the following significant environmental aspects during any event they organise or support and club members take part in. 

 Waste: Make every effort to eliminate or reduce waste, and ask all who attend to do the same. Ensure that any waste, including biodegradable food and cigarette butts, produced at the event, or en-route, is taken home to be disposed of and recycled where possible. Consider that livestock and other people use the venues. 

Act with respect to the landowners to help retain their support for future events. 

 Noise: Motorsport UK legal noise levels are required at all times, unless a lower level is specified in supplementary regulations. If a vehicle noise is found to be excessive by the organisers, competitors will be asked to reduce this to acceptable levels. Please drive considerately whenever on the public road and in sensitive areas. 

 Land, water and air protection: Protect event sites and routes from environmental damage. Measures taken to reduce land damage include consideration of weather conditions, autotest layouts and permitted tyres. Organisers have the authority to decline any tyres they deem to be unsuitable or potentially land damaging. Refueling should not be avoided at events where possible, but if required, should only be carried out with appropriate measures in place to avoid any spillages. 

We also encourage our members to consider:- 

 Establishing an environmental sustainability system. 

 Achieving Motorsport UK sustainability accreditation. 

 Measuring the carbon footprint on events using a carbon calculator, to find areas where improvements can be made. 

 Work towards achieving net zero carbon emissions on events. Further information can be found on the Motorsport UK WEBSITE

Buccaneer Motor Sports Club respects your privacy and we will only use your information in the way we describe in this notice. When using your information we aim to be fair and transparent, and to follow our obligations under UK data protection laws. Your information is used for administering club membership, activities and competitions. 

BMSC is the data controller for the purpose of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our club contact for privacy and data is the secretary of the club whose contact details are trevorleathley35@gmail.com

Collecting your information 

We collect your information when you fill in association membership application or renewal forms, You can give us your information using paper forms or online forms. The information you give us may include your contact details (name, address, telephone number, email address), personal information and identifiers (MSUK membership number or competition licence number), and other information (vehicle details). 

When you give us information about another person, such as a child, parent, guardian, or emergency contact you should let that person know that you have given us the information. If you are under 18 years old, we will also ask for information from your parent or guardian. Using your information We use your information when you first apply to become a member, then to administer and renew your club’s membership of BMSC provide your club with member benefits. 

For officials of member clubs, we may publish some of your information in the BMSC web page or news letter, which will be in the public domain. 

We might use your information to send you promotional messages by email, but only if you have agreed that we can do this by giving us your clear consent – and you can change your mind at any time just by letting us know by contacting us. 

We will not sell your information to another organisation. To support your lifetime relationship with motorsport and BMSC we may keep your information indefinitely. 

Unless we are required to retain information by relevant legislation, we will, at your request, delete your personal data from our system. 

Sharing your information 

We may share you information with the Motorsport UK as required by its General Regulations for governing motor sport, with other Motorsport UK Registered Clubs, medical personnel, or any other person if we have to comply with a legal obligation. 

 BMSC  might contain links to other websites such as online entry and payment sites, partners, and advertisers. If you follow links to other websites please review the privacy policy for each site because we are not responsible for information you share on those sites. 

Security for your information - Your information is held securely by us. We have taken all reasonable steps, and have in place appropriate security measures, to protect your information. Your information is not transferred outside the European Economic Area. 

Your rights • You may ask us not to process your information for marketing purposes. • You are entitled to a copy of the information we hold about you, and to ask us to correct any inaccuracies. • You may ask us to stop using your information, and to delete it, although we may maintain a skeleton set of your information. If you ask us to do this we will not be able to continue our contract with you. • You may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner (www.ico.org.uk).

Introduction For the purposes of this policy ‘inclusion’ means access for all. It means recognising differences between individuals/groups and providing opportunities for them to participate Buccaneer Motor Sports Club regardless of those differences, whether this is as an , marshal, official, volunteer or family member.

BMSC embraces diversity and difference and is committed to providing opportunities that are safe, inclusive, accessible, and equitable. 

We want our club to be equally accessible to all members of society, whatever their age, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or social/economic status. 

This Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy is intended to promote a change in attitudes and perceptions and to improve opportunities for everyone to participate. 

We will ensure that we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the characteristics protected by it (age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity). 

As a club, we will welcome and include everyone regardless of whether they have a protected characteristic or not. 

Our aim is to provide an environment where everyone feels: 

 Welcome 

 Represented 

 Included in decision making 

 Able to participate 

 Safe and free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and vilification. 

Aims Our approach to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion is:

 To promote the development of knowledge and understanding of disability, equity and inclusion. 

 To contribute towards growing and sustaining numbers of people from underrepresented groups participating within our organisation. 

 To adopt inclusive practice. Commitment 

We will: 

 Not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying, or victimisation. 

 Actively identify and reduce barriers to participation for underrepresented groups. 

 Consult with expert partners and other organisations to facilitate inclusive practices and remove barriers to participation. 

 Ensure underrepresented groups are given the opportunity to participate in all aspects of our club. 

 Provide opportunities for all. 

There are a number of measures that we will take to ensure that we are working under the guidance of the policy and within the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.